Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Life is so vulnerable

In Sungai Petani, Kedah, a woman and her two sons were killed. They were hit by a train while crossing the railway track. The late Zulaidah and sons, Muhammad Saiful Amry (maybe 6 or 7) and Muhammad Saiful Azlee (2 or 3) were riding a motorbike. I have yet to read the details of the story as for now only pictures with captions are in the system. Many pictures of the grieving husband Noorizan, son Muhammad Saiful Tarmizi, 10, relatives and the victims themselves. Saiful Azlee was so cute in one picture, where he and brother Saiful Amry were splashing in a river or something. I may not able to share their pain of losing the beloved ones, especially that of Saiful Tarmizi, of losing a mother and two brothers, but I think I understand quite well just by looking at them. I know only time can heal the pain of losing the beloved ones. It can be months or years. And it's so painful, especially when we start missing them, at night when we try to sleep.
Why this kind of accident must happen? What they had to die that way? Could it be avoided? The same question in my head when dealing with death news. As a mother with a husband and two kids, I feel our life is so vulnerable. Wherever and whenever I move, I would expose myself to many shorts of accidents, if I really think about it I may not be able to move anywhere. And what more if I start thinking about my babies, their safety, and there's also my husband, who drives to go to most places. I feel helpless, really. In the end, as a muslim I always pray silently that God will protect us and let me and my husband take care of my kids until they are big enough to look after themselves. And at the same time, I have always been extra careful and told my husband to be extra careful too. But again, who are not? Still accidents happen.
Al-Fatihah to Zulaidah, Saiful Amry and Saiful Azlee. Semoga roh kalian di cucuri rahmat olehNya. And I pray God to make Noorizan and Saiful Tarmizi stronger even.

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