Sunday, March 19, 2006

Another layout ... what???

Working today, though it's a Sunday. We're on another layout revamp, which I think doesn't make any difference though. Don't know who's idea ... the new look doesn't look good either to me. Feel like we're shortchanging readers. Very few stories, meaning less content. We'll miss out on many news just because we want to have bigger stories, pics, headings, graphics and illustrations. Two line heading across 6 columns. Hmmm ... like we're putting the whole text in the heading. Anyway, I'm just a kuli here.

My conversation with my 2-years-old daughter over the phone.
Me: Hello, dah makan?
Daughter: Dah. Makan nasi.
Me: Mana ada nasi? (I didn't cook any rice today)
Daughter: Ada la. Ayah masak.
Me: Ayah buat apa?
Daughter: Ayah tgh tido adik kan. (Ayah's putting Adik to bed)
Me: ???? pukul adik ya?
Daughter: Tak lah. Mana ada.

I can smile to myself now. My daughter can now express herself very well, sometimes I find myself ignoring what she says when she gets too hyper-talkactive.

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