Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Growing up in Terengganu

Reading Awang Goneng's blog Growing up in Terengganu (now kecek-kecek) brings back a lot of memories. A lot of things that I have forgotten and not done. It's good somebody could remind us of our roots.

Funny, there are many things that I don't know about my own hometown, the place where I grew up, although I go back three or four times a year. It takes someone from across the continent to enlighten me.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Things I miss again ...

I was so distracted I forgot to include many occasions here.

1) Sya's birthday on October 28. He's 2 years old. Happy birthday son. I've not really been a good mothers, but alhamdulillah you are now 2.
No party. We just bought a 'very yellow' cake and had him (and the sister) blow the candles. I'll put the picture of him later.

2) Raya time ... We went back to Melaka first on the last day of ramadhan and Terengganu on the third hari raya. The kids and I stayed in Terengganu for almost a week. Am had to go back to KL on Tuesday and returned on Saturday. On Sunday midnite, we were all back in KL.

And life returns to its routines ....

Saturday, November 03, 2007


Someone I know lamented;

"I am all 'mental' these days. I'm mentally (and physically) tired, mentally neglected and not appreciated, mentally blocked, mentally angry and not satisfied, mentally confused, mentally drained... blah, blah, blah. I'm mental."

Whatever that means eh.

"I can go really mental, I'm afraid I'll be discarded as mentally disabled!"

I think I know the problem. Because I sometimes feel this 'mental' problem. That is when you are losing your focus, everything starts falling in the wrong place and you become hopeless. You'll start wondering if you'll end up being a loser. The worst of the losers.

I rather not dwell too much on this. Else, I'll start feeling so "mental".