Monday, July 06, 2009

What's Moved The Cheese

Things that have moved 'some cheese' in the past few days/weeks.

- A movie titled 'Changeling'. About a mother who lost his son; the Los Angeles police force who was arrogant, stupid, very inefficient and mistreated civilians; a cool-blooded psycho who killed children, justice which had finally prevailed; kind-hearted people who went extra miles to help out; and HOPE ... hope that keeps people alive.

- A couple of hundred ringgits pay rise. Alhamdulillah.

- Meeting back old friends. It's like bringing more cheers to one's life. Everybody needs friends.

- Registering Sy at a Kemas kindergarten. He'll be 5 next year. The plan will be similar to that of her sister. One year at Kemas and another year at a private kindy. He's really looking forward to going to school. Attaboy!

- I gave in to my urge (rights) to being 'vocal' again. Bad, bad, bad .... :( . Why can't I just keep it all to myself and just endure, like anybody else? (do they have to endure???) Our life is not all that rosy, but it's not totally lousy. Should have learnt to be more grateful. Slap myself silly!

- Mother bought a new washing machine. How would that affect me much? Well would make my life easier when I go back home. FaMa had been a huge fan of manual washing machines for as long as I've known them. One manual washing machine down, they bought another manual, and then another manual. Now that they have embraced 'technology', I'm happy... ngeh...ngeh...ngeh.

- A few of my seniors have been promoted big time. They are now called "big bosses". They have been working very hard, so they deserve the promotion. Perhaps, till I move to other places, I shall probably remain as the Queen of Deadwood... isk, isk, isk.

- A sister-in-law is expecting a 'small fresh living thingy' in her family by February or March. Oh, I can hear my biological is ticking... tick, tock, tick, tock... like A's green alarm clock, and it could get really nerve-breaking. I'm missing the boat! But then, I realise very well, this's not a race.

- Parent-in-laws plan to move out of their current 'very nice' place. I'm sure children, grandchildren, daughter/son-in-laws will miss the house so very much. And the ample play area. Pity them for having to make the choice. That stupid 'memorial park project' .. what a sore sight!!!!

- Tiramisu cake. T.I.R.A.M.I.S.U... sedapnye...

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