Thursday, April 13, 2006

Who's kena ...

Many people, especially parents, like to think they know better how to make others happy. It's like they know better than the person himself. My husband's friend. K, is now facing the situation. His parents object to his plan to marry a girlfriend of more than 5 years. No concrete reason given, except because she's big. Hmmm ... what a reason. I've met the girl, a teacher. She looks nice to me and has genuine interest in kids. Yes, she's big size, but sweet too, and definitely not ugly.
They're planning to get married next month. Even without family approval, K can go ahead with the plan. He doesn't not need a 'wali'. There's no objection from the girl's family. And I hope the wedding will happen as they plan, though, I heard there're efforts from K's parents to stop the wedding, even to the extent, by using a bomoh or a 'ustazah'. What kind of ustazah who tells others that this or that person has kena buatan orang without even meeting the person. She sounds like a bomoh to me. Kena buatan orang? For more than 5 years? K has been in love with the girl for maybe 6 or 7 years. How could a person kena buatan orang to steadfastly love another person for 6 or 7 years? Hahaha, funny! Maybe K is really under spell, but under love spell.

I heard the parents ask K to go home one day to 'berubat' as they believed in what the ustazah said. K didn't go home on that day, but did on another day. They acted extra nice to him, asking him what he wanted to eat, which was unusual, because they had never been extra nice before. They had also thrown out all the old towels and blanket in his room and asked him to use the new ones they jusy bought. They even packed food for him to bring back to his rented place. And to add to the suspicion, they also asked for his rented place's address. K has been staying at the place for more than 3 years, they never asked for the address before. Realising what probably his parents plan were, K took extra caution, avoid eating and using anything new in the house.

The funny thing is K had also seen somebody for 'air jampi' to soften his parents heart and he managed to make they drink the water on that day. So he said, diaorang ingat diaorang nak kenakan aku, padahal aku yang kenakan diaorg. So who's kena actually??? hehehe ... Not that I believe in air jampi. For sure, it's all up to God. That was just K's last resort to get approval from his parents. Without the approval, the wedding plan will still go on.

To K and girlfriend, I hope their wedding will go through smoothly and they will live happily ever after.

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